Prefab: Animated Roaches
rayban animated roaches
these md3 models are for a moving roach effect, and should have the following key/values set for
the best effect.
classname misc_gamemodel
spawnflags 2 ( start_animated box ticked )
model ( see model notes below )
frames 100
fps 10
model notes:
there are 4 types of models,
r64_1.md3 - 1 single roach moving within a 64x64 grid size
r64_5.md3 - 5 roches moving within a 64x64 grid size
r128_1.md3 - 1 single roach moving within a 128x128 grid size
r128_5.md3 - 5 roches moving within a 128x128 grid size
using more than 1 of the same model, and ajust the angles or modelscales
to make it seem like more random roaches moving around.
other info:
2 shaders are provided, one used for the animated models that have moving legs via
the animap system, and the other for still roaches, that just have the antennae moving.
programs used to make the models and textures, blender3d and MD3Compile by NPherno.
these md3 models are for a moving roach effect, and should have the following key/values set for
the best effect.
classname misc_gamemodel
spawnflags 2 ( start_animated box ticked )
model ( see model notes below )
frames 100
fps 10
model notes:
there are 4 types of models,
r64_1.md3 - 1 single roach moving within a 64x64 grid size
r64_5.md3 - 5 roches moving within a 64x64 grid size
r128_1.md3 - 1 single roach moving within a 128x128 grid size
r128_5.md3 - 5 roches moving within a 128x128 grid size
using more than 1 of the same model, and ajust the angles or modelscales
to make it seem like more random roaches moving around.
other info:
2 shaders are provided, one used for the animated models that have moving legs via
the animap system, and the other for still roaches, that just have the antennae moving.
programs used to make the models and textures, blender3d and MD3Compile by NPherno.